Thursday, January 17, 2013

On Illusions and Realities

“I'm sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth”
-          John Lennon

I don’t believe anything anymore.  There—I said it.  I don’t believe John F. Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald.  I don’t believe that Sirhah Sirhan acted alone in the assassination of his brother.  I don’t believe Martin Luther King, Jr.’s death occurred without influence from federal agents.  I don’t believe Mark David Chapman acted of his own free will when he gunned down John Lennon.  I don’t believe John Hinckley fell into obsession over Taxi Driver on his own prior to shooting Ronald Reagan.  I don’t believe CNN’s (The Most Trusted Name in News) award-winning coverage of the Gulf War was totally true.  I don’t believe 9/11 went down the way it was reported and I certainly don’t believe that Al Qaeda was solely responsible for the attacks.  I don’t believe James Holmes acted alone in shooting up that movie theater last summer.  And, here’s the kicker, I don’t believe the tragedy in Sandy Hook even took place at all.

Believe me, I don’t reach these conclusions lightly.  It is not something I relish.  I do not want to be considered crazy.  I don’t want to put undue stress on my wife and loved ones by refusing to conform to the paradigm of normal decency.  I am keenly aware that by making these outrageous claims that I am swimming against the current of popular opinion and, in so doing, leave myself open to the anger and ridicule that entails.  It would be far easier to shut my mouth, bow my head and move in step with the crowd.  It would also be far more comforting to believe in a national structure of law and order that protects democracy and condemns violence and chicanery.  However, I do not feel that is the truth, and I cannot in good conscience go along with the lie.

Mind control exists.  I have read enough and seen enough to feel confident in stating this as fact.  Mind control exists, and has existed at least as far back as ancient Egypt.  What has been called magic or demonic possession or a million other terms over thousands of years is a combination of techniques involving drugs, hypnosis and traumatic ritual abuse that results in dissociative identity disorder in the victim, otherwise known as multiple personality disorder.  Dissociative identity disorder is not something that “just happens” to someone.  It is a defense mechanism of the psyche to hide itself from trauma too horrific to process.  Once the primary identity disappears ‘over the rainbow’ as it is termed, the resulting alter personalities are subject to a great amount of manipulation by the perpetrator.  This is where the hypnosis techniques come into play.  With proper skill, it is possible to create a mind-controlled slave encoded with triggers to switch their general function and personality according to the perpetrator’s desires, with the primary identity left completely unaware.

I know what you’re thinking.  This is the stuff of science fiction.  This is not real.  That is what I thought, as well.  However, the mountain of evidence is overwhelming once you have the clarity of mind to look for it.  You see, the reason this concept is impossible for us to consider, is that we are victims of a grand society-wide mind control endeavor all its own, above and beyond the age-old dissociative identity disorder variety.  In the 20th century, these codified mind-control techniques found their way from ancient Egypt into the secret writings of one Aleister Crowley.  This evil con man created a secret society of power built on the horrors of ritual abuse, and he didn’t do it alone.  These techniques, collectively known as Monarch programming after the transformative butterfly of the same name, found their way into the hands of another group around the same time Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis was gaining traction in England.  Adolph Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and the inner circle of the SS known as the Knights of the Black Sun began to use Monarch to build the Third Reich, and it worked wonders.  Crowley was in fact using his influence throughout England to bring the British Empire under the thumb of the Nazi regime.  Had he succeeded, our entire world would be different today.

I take solace in knowing that he failed.  The Ordo Templi Orientis was smashed in England.  Crowley’s books were burned.  Berlin fell.  Hitler and the Third Reich, despite their evil machinations are now relegated to the history books.  Monarch didn’t manage to dominate the world.  However, it didn’t disappear either.  Agents of the Knights of the Black Sun had penetrated both the Soviets and the US in the meantime.  Footholds in both empires allowed Monarch to sink its claws deep into the infrastructure of each in the name of ‘national security’.  Here in the US, this was known as Operation: Paperclip and many of the worst in Nazi mind control experts were smuggled into our country under new identities or to work on our space program.  Werner Von Braun is a famous ex-Nazi who helped to make the US venture into space a possibility.  However, beneath the surface of Von Braun and his fellow rocket scientists lurked a seedy underbelly of Monarch mind control. 

Over in America, the Ordo Templi Orientis continued to thrive despite Crowley’s eventual demise.  Dr. Jack Parsons, one of the men responsible for the formation of Jet Propulsion Labs and instrumental in bringing ex-Nazis over in Paperclip, just happened to be the leader of the Los Angeles chapter of the OTO.  It is quite interesting to note here, that L. Ron Hubbard (claiming later that he did so under orders by Navy intelligence) joined the LA chapter of the OTO at this time and became Jack Parsons’ prized apprentice.  It is more than a little coincidental that L. Ron later used techniques blatantly similar to Monarch to build his Scientology Empire.

Time marched on.  Jack Parsons blew up in his lab under strange circumstances.  The OTO lost influence.  But Monarch kept on.  The CIA incorporated its techniques into their MK Ultra experiments, seeking ways to create perfect spies and Manchurian Candidates.  While the declassified documents revealed in the 70s referencing MK Ultra describe it as a failure, I say Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray, Mark David Chapman and John Hinckly point to its success.  But, through the proper manipulation of academia and pop culture, the CIA covered its tracks by making us believe that mind control was a scientific impossibility.  Even as we watched Neil Armstrong step on the moon and congratulated ourselves at the innovation of human scientific prowess, we failed to see the significance of a stage magician like David Copperfield tricking thousands with mere manual dexterity.  What might a true hypnotist be able to do with the entire apparatus of a space program behind him?

I will tell you: they perfected the antiquated Monarch techniques that produced Oswald.  He was too shoddy and too coherent when captured.  This necessitated a messy silencing murder by Jack Ruby.  Now we get the likes of James Holmes, so traumatized and programmed he will never again be himself, let alone reveal what happened to him.  But spending years on each individual victim takes too long and is not a very good allocation of resources.  Why not apply Monarch on a grand scale and use the mass media of today to traumatize an entire population at once?  Welcome to the chaotic trauma-based everyday life of the New World Order.  Every time the control apparatus wants something from the people, all it needs to do is push the right triggers through a set of traumatic events.  If you can steal trillions while doing it like on 9/11, even better.  However, in Holmes’ case, it’s just a little bit of gun control they want.  And gun control they will get, believe you me.

But even that they seem to think is taking too long.  What’s better than programming a patsy to cover an act of public traumatization you’ve orchestrated yourself?  Why, how about not even having to have a real event take place.  Enter Sandy Hook.  Look into it.  Dig just below the surface and you will find actors, contradictory stories and the fact that a Homeland Security organized drill was taking place that day that somehow became a “real” event.  It wasn’t real.  I don’t believe it.

So, I’m nuts.  That’s the only sane conclusion, right?  You know, it’s weird when you feel you’d rather be crazy than right.  All of this would involve the complicity of thousands if not millions of Americans, all convinced they are doing it for the greater good.  News organizations everywhere would have to be not only censoring themselves, but deliberately piping in the control rhetoric.  They would never do that.  I’m gonna go watch some of that Most Trusted Name in News award-winning Gulf War coverage just to remind myself of the good old days.

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