I’m going to do something a younger version of me never
would have done. I am going to praise a
former architect of Reaganomics for his astute intelligence. Paul Craig Roberts was Reagan’s Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury from 1981 to 1982. He went on to become an editor and
columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News
Service. He is regarded as an economic
expert who has testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues
of economic policy. While he is a
staunch proponent of supply-side economics, this hero of a Republican Party
long-lost is now regarded to be so far out there by the current right-wing
agenda he has been relegated to writing on the fringe. He is grouped into the same whackadoo
netherworld of the Internet as the Alex Jones and David Icke crowds. This is the very same man named by Forbes in
1993 as one of the top seven journalists in America.
Why is that, you ask?
Is it because he believes there is a group of lizards who use
mind-controlling sigil magic to control humanity? As fun as that would be, sadly that is not
the case. No, Paul Craig Roberts has
been blacklisted for many reasons, but none of them as otherworldly as what Alex
Jones and David Icke proclaim. No, Dr.
Roberts has been denigrated and marginalized for his audacity to put most of
the blame for our current global situation on the shoulders of Israel; specifically,
the intensely right-wing Zionist regime in control of Israel. For this crime of fact-based opinion, he has
watched his star plummet from the upper-echelon of Wall Street to posting on a blog
with the occasional guest submission to Alex Jones’ PrisonPlanet.com.
You see, when faced with the decision of whether to cave
into the pressure of the shifting opinion of the political landscape around him,
or to remain true to his convictions, Dr. Roberts wrote column after column
filled with truth. He is credited as the
first journalist to equate the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians to the
divide and conquer reservationism the United States perpetrated on the Native
Americans. He saw it as injustice. He saw it as genocide. And he said so. This did not ingratiate him to the major
players on Wall Street, nor to the Bush agenda as it took over the Republican
Party from a decrepit and increasingly invalid Ronald Reagan. But that didn’t stop him.
He became the most trenchant critic of George H. W. Bush’s
economic policies of the early 90s. The
fact that he was using supply-side economics itself to refute those policies
helped keep him afloat. Of course, he
was also still riding the tide of the Reagan era, and he had many friends in
many high places. He was able to throw
darts from a relatively safe place. As
the economy went into recession just as he had predicted it would, Roberts was
able to make the case that it was Bush, his advisers and their incredibly
shortsighted policies that had led us there.
It is by no fluke that the American people elected a virtual unknown
over Bush in the ensuing election. It
was the economy, stupid.
Unfortunately for Dr. Roberts, the Clinton Administration
was not in the business of looking out for him in thanks. In fact, while Slick Willie was failing to
reform health care, dodging probes into his Whitewater dealings, and ramming
NAFTA down our throats, a silent revolution was taking place in our media, and
it sure as hell was not televised. In
the early to mid-nineties, the power of the press coalesced into the hands of
five giant media conglomerates as federal regulations were relaxed in order to
allow merger after merger and acquisition after acquisition. Those conglomerates corporatized their
holdings in such a way as to take journalists out of the equation. Commercial advertising was the key method
used in this objective. A suit-and-tie
was placed in charge of our fourth estate, and their job was to drive ratings
while avoiding controversy so as to maximize advertising revenue. It’s very simple and the natural progression
of a capitalist society. If your main
priority is selling the news, then your main priority cannot be reporting the
news. Sometimes, reporters touch on
subjects that might hurt their advertisers.
The suits eased off of those stories.
With a little twist and sleight-of-hand, dissenting voices were shifted
from topics that the five main conglomerates disliked. Focus was shifted to talking points and slotted
into predetermined discussions.
Dr. Roberts didn’t fit in this new landscape, and his Reagan
era protection began to slip. The
pro-Israeli agenda continued to roll unhindered in the mainstream media. Roberts was no longer welcome in the
press. He, like most political
masterminds, found employment in the mid-nineties with a few Reagan-centric
think tanks, the Cato Institute and the Hoover Institution. But as the years wore on, and his
anti-Zionist opinion did not falter, he slipped out of the Republican Party
altogether. One of the framers of the
Reagan era itself had become too far left for the party he’d reinvigorated 20
years hence.
For me, that was a blessing in disguise. No longer fettered by the establishment, Dr.
Roberts was free to write his true opinion and walk completely off of the
Republican platform. He has become a
very vocal critic of the official explanation for 9/11. He derides the American press as a virtual
mouthpiece for pro-Zionist rhetoric. And
he continues to use supply-side economics to point out the insanity that is
being allowed to go on in the global marketplace. The thing is, once you read his very
academic, highly rational and well-cited opinion, it is almost impossible to
not see how our nation’s pro-Israel agenda is endangering our economy, our
livelihood and our very lives. Yet to
say so in American culture is to be demonized as anti-Semitic. Anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic are not the
same thing. In fact, Dr. Roberts
nominated Israeli peace activist Jeff Halper for the Nobel Peace Prize in
2006. He is not against the Jewish
people, but against an agenda that is constantly sending the globe to the verge
of world war.
In the end, according to Roberts, it is the economic
policies of pro-Zionist bankers and the politicians in their pockets that lead
to conflict in the Middle East, terrorism abroad and economic strife at
home. This is done in order to further
an agenda bent on nothing short of world domination and it is a maniacal goal
whose ultimate ambition is the reduction of the world’s population under a
one-world government: the vaunted New World Order. This continued assertion by Roberts is what
has landed him into the nutso clink with the reptile-truthers. You will find no one more at odds with the
Federal Reserve Bank and those that control it than Paul Craig Roberts. Likely, that is also why you have never heard
of him.
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